Back in the day stories are shared among a circle of friends either verbally or written. With social media being one of the primary forms of communication these days, users are all about sharing their stories through short videos and soundbites that they and their followers enjoy.
The story’s content can range from a trip to the salon, the park, or the grocery store. The catch is that these stories users create are only visible for 24 hours. This sort of short-lived content has created an urgency for followers to always stay on top of the stories of the people they follow.
For small and medium-sized enterprises who are seeking to grow their customer base, creating stories on social media can help increase followers, and potentially boost sales.
We’ve listed a few of the most important reasons why you should invest in creating stories on social media.
- Brand Awareness – If you’re a small, unknown restaurant in a college town filled hungry students, creating targeted filters set around a campus can bring good business to you. Prices of these ads vary depending on your location and the number of hours it’s available. The cool part about these geo-filters is that you unleash your hidden artistry. Depending on the season, sporting event, or your weekly specials, there are apps or programs that can help you create your filters.
- Customer Engagement – Show potential clients your brand has personality. Doing behind-the-scenes of what’s happening at your office, shop, or boutique is a fun way of interacting with customers. Incorporating fun facts about your business, your staff members, or tidbits about your industry may seem common, but they can still be unique because you are sharing your own story.
- Cheaper Advertisement – You can use your stories as a useful tool to promote your products. Paired with geo-filters, this is also an inexpensive form of advertising than traditional ones like TV, radio, or bus stop ads. Since stories are only visible for 24 hours, this creates an urgency and a need for your audience to follow your social media handles and to always stay glued to your stories to avoid missing out on daily or weekly specials.
While creating stories on social media may sound easy, you need to take into consideration your daily work schedule because posting should be continuous and consistent. Handling social media is work that you don’t want to add to your plate. Try Ask Anny! They’re a digital marketing agency that offer flexible plans depending on your business’ needs. They have a team of social media specialists, copywriters, and graphic designers who will work together on campaigns that bring clients to your business. Whether you need captivating stories on social media, developing email marketing campaigns, or updating your branding, Ask Anny’s team delivers successful projects with measurable results.